StudyLINQ - Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS)
The Challenge
A prominent research facility needed a system to track their research participants as they progressed through each study
The system needed to allow specific data to be shared with partner facilities across the country
The system also needed to allow oversight committee members and research monitors access from an oversight perspective
The Solution
We leveraged the robust data collection abilities of our ITW Therapy EMR system and combined it with a proprietary participant indexing system called CrossIQ that allows us to share participant data in a secure, de-identified way.
The flexibility of the system allows us to assign user permissions based on the user’s location and their role within each study.
The Result
Participant data is effortlessly collected using the EDC (electronic data capture) elements of the system
Case Report Forms can be generated in seconds from the data collected
The data captured is determined by the study
Data can be securely shared with collaborating facilities, for both blinded analysis and data review purposes
Oversight members are automatically alerted to important events, such as adverse events and serious adverse events