Our Core Products:


Medical Rehabilitation EMR System
ITW is a comprehensive clinical documentation system, with customizable workflows for all therapy teams -- from admissions and the initial evaluation, through devloping the Plan of Treatment and goal setting, to progress reports and session notes to discharge.
Designed For
  • Inpatient Rehab Facilities
  • Outpatient Rehab Clinics
  • Interactive Worklists

  • IRF-PAI Data Collection

Compliance monitoring tools/alerts
Tailored data collection and workflows
Virtually unlimited reporting options
Easily share data between applications

What users have to say -

"The reporting and extracting components to reports has been extremely helpful in developing our data analytics."
- Cathy Spalding
CEO Frazier Rehab
"Flexibility in making changes as new needs are identified or regulations change"
- Anonymous
"Ease of modifications to optimize rehab documentation and scheduling"
- Miranda Garvin
UofL Health